Olga Ząbroń / Mateusz Dąbrowski — Generator
Olga Ząbroń / Mateusz Dąbrowski
exibition Generator / 12.05 – 29.05.2017
Galeria Sztuki Socato / Pl. Solny 11 / Wrocław
curator: Karolina Jakliewicz
At the Socato Art Gallery, the art of Olga Ząbroń and Mateusz Dąbrowski was presented for the first time in 2005 during the group exhibitions "POST". This time their work will be presented in a wider context. "Generator" is a subtle painting by Ząbroń set in the tradition of Krakow colorism in collision with sculptural and designer objects created with Dąbrowski's technology. The works of both artists have an extended range of geometric abstraction.
Lines are scars of concepts. Visible signs of thinking. We know the modernist lines of Le Corbusier giving certainty and security, the neoplastic lines of Piet Mondrian seeking a harmonious structure of the world, but also the deconstructivist lines of Daniel Libeskind - confusing and predatory, causing anxiety. There are rational and obvious lines, as well as subcutaneous and intuitive ones. There are lines for peace and temptation. Lines connect and divide. They segregate and build communities. They exclude and embrace. They keep the world in check and cause conflict. Lines are dangerous tools. Lines are the salvation.
In geometry, a line is one of the foundations. Artists explore its visual and symbolic properties in every possible direction. In the impossible too. Olga Ząbroń and Mateusz Dąbrowski fit into this area of exploration. The linearity of their art is different - Olga Ząbroń uses lines to build a subtle structure of paintings. It is lyrical, subtle, but also strongly rooted in the Krakow color tradition, in classic painting. He introduces a sensitive, variable and suggestive line into the space of geometry. Mateusz Dąbrowski's objects are linear planes - modern and clean. Their geometry is subject to the rigors of perfect fluidity or, conversely, is the result of precise, sharp breaks. Dąbrowski's lines have the potential to create architectural space and construct systems of pure form. The lines generated by artists become directions of connections with spheres of independent, abstract space. A space that connects.
Karolina Jaklewicz